I always loved to dream…
So who is Jessa Daeh?
The short answer:
She is a character I once used in a forum based Roleplay with friends
The long answer:
She is much more than that. A self insert, an extension of my personality, a means to reconnect with people after a very dark time in my life.
For these these reasons, among others, I have used her as my online alias and pen-name for years now
This is me
Hello there, I am Patrick. I was born in a small town in Germany’s rural southwest, where I spent my formative years. Surrounded by vineyards as far as the eye can see, the mostly good weather allowed for many exploratory adventures. For as long as I can remember I loved to dream. Of different worlds, adventures large or small, meeting and interacting with the most unlikely of individuals…
Then I grew up. I did not stop dreaming though, rather my dreams only grew with me. On this website I will endeavor to introduce you to some of these dreams come true.
Games: The World of Dreams
For some, video games are a means to escape reality, for others a means to create something they otherwise could not.
For me the journey into other worlds begun early, with the original Gameboy. Many a long car ride or evening I would spend in the small pixelated worlds until either the batteries ran out or the game was over.
I share many beautiful memories, spending time with my uncle at his PC, playing games like Homeworld or The Secret of Monkey Island.
It was however not until the SNES game Secret of Mana that I first reflected on myself. It was here that my interest in metallurgy first sprouted, a passion that turned into a hobby and may one day become more still.
Through the years I have owned many consoles but ultimately ended my console journey after sending my PS3 into retirement, focusing myself on my PC.
Here I was able to not only play the games I enjoyed but also change them to better reflect me. Modding in new skins always was great fun.